Safety is a weird thing... let's looks at some examples:
What are all the things that can kill you?
Bad people
Good people
Heart Attacks
.... the list goes on and on and on... there are arguably an infinite number of ways to die.
Life... only goes on... if you successfully avoid every single way to die... every moment of your life. Without messing up even once.
And the first time you do... you die.
So... really... you are always safe from death... safe from every possible way you COULD die... for your entire life. Up until the last moment of it.
That's impressive.
Nicely done... so far.
This is similarly true for things that just 'harm' you, and don't kill you.
What are things that can harm you?
Bad people
Good people
Heart Attacks
... you see the point.
In the same way, every moment of your life that you are not in pain... that you are not directly being harmed by something... you are 100% safe from every possible type of harm.
So, if we wanted to, we COULD conceivably track your life, and count every second that you've been harmed.
We could then subtract that from all the time you've been alive, and pretty comprehensively evaluate how often you've successfully avoided every type of harm.
Spoiler: it'll be 100% across the board, for almost everything.
What about when you are harmed?
When harm does occur, of the infinite number of things that COULD harm you, how many do?
1.... Only 1 thing.
Typically, when you are harmed... you are harmed by SOME thing.... not EVERY thing.
This means that even when you are harmed by 1 thing, you are still SAFE from the infinite number of other things that COULD have harmed you.
Now, this doesn't change your experience of it.
You don't care how many things harm you? Rather, you just care about the severity and length of harm.
Which is what "safety" is.
Safety is the time you spend NOT being harmed by the infinite number of things that could.
If you look at it this way, which is a much fairer approach, you can only conclude that almost 100% of your life is safe from any harm.
But, that is hardly motivating.
We get this so wrong, because we live for so long, and yet are very bad at remembering most of it in any detail.